Did LinkedIn’s changes have an adverse affect your feed? You can fix that.

In a previous post, I explained how it is important to know your social media platforms so that you know what types of posts are appropriate and not-so-appropriate. LinkedIn has grown in interest among the business crowd of late. The social media outlet also made significant changes that make it more user-friendly. While there is a clear upside, the downside has been that people that are less savvy on the nuances of LinkedIn are now using it more.Judging from the increased frequency of cats, wedding and baby announcements, and math puzzles that I have seen pop up, LinkedIn feeds are losing professionalism and users that I know are not happy about that. Not that we don’t appreciate cats, puzzles or staying up to date with daily happenings, it’s just that LinkedIn is not the place for it. So how do you fix that?

TIP: LinkedIn is not the place for memes, puzzles, baby/wedding announcements, political or religious statements. 

Upgrading the quality of your LinkedIn newsfeed is pretty easy. Each post has an indicator on the right side of the person’s name that shows how it has been since a post was updated. When you hover over the indicator, you will get options to hide the post or unfollow the connection. JAM_BLOG_2016_LinkedIn_unfollow.jpgNow you get to pick the poison! Keep in mind that unfollowing a person does not mean that you have lost the connection, it just means that you will not see his updates in your feed.

What you should not do?
My advice is to resist the urge to rant or chastise on posts that you find misplaced. “Liking” or commenting on posts will only show an association with that image or post that is not of a nature of how you want to be represented. The comment that you left is not what is most prominent – it is the image itself (not your comment) that people will notice next to your name. So if you want to protect your professional online reputation, it is best to simply unfollow or hide the nuisance post.

TIP: LinkedIn is not the only social platform that allows you unfollow without losing a connection. Facebook provides that option too.  

For more information on social media marketing strategies, be sure get your free download of the Social Media Marketing Workbook. This post was originally published on LinkedIn, you can see the original post and follow Jackie Awve by clicking here.