Let the sparks fly!
Jackie Awve Marketing & Design turns 12!

Usually, It’s Time for Summer Fun and 4th of July Celebrations… But For Me, It’s a Time to Reflect

Sometimes, I write about it, and, well… sometimes I get a little too busy to curate and express my flood of thoughts. This year was one of those times. I actually wrote this about six weeks ago, and I’m finally getting around to posting it.

Wow! 12 Years—And Still Going Strong!

It’s hard to believe that a dozen years have passed since I declared my “independence” and started this business. 12 years! It’s been a journey filled with challenges, victories, and everything in between, but looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Recently, I had a conversation with a young mom who had just started her own business. We talked about the balance between family, business, and those moments when you question, “Is it worth it?” I shared with her something that’s been a lifeline for me: my sons’ Mother’s Day and birthday cards. Through all the chaos and long hours, their words reminded me why I started this journey in the first place—to be an example for them. To show them what it means to work hard for something you believe in. And now, 12 years later, I can confidently say: It was worth it.

But I don’t want to get too deep here, so let’s let the sparks fly and celebrate!

As we mark America’s 248th birthday and my own milestone of 12 incredible years in business, I want to take a moment to share a message from the heart for any women considering a new start:

IF YOU ARE WONDERING “Should I?” or “Is It Worth It?”
The answer is YES. If you feel it in your heart, take that leap. Will it be hard? Absolutely. But everything worth doing is. You’re not only setting an example for your family but for everyone around you. Keep going—you’ve got this!

Jackie Awve Marketing & Design specializes in helping businesses create marketing initiatives that drive results. Jackie and her team provide branding and marketing expertise for commercial real estate, retail properties, executive suites, trade associations, and contractors.


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