“Taking inventory” is usually related to a business that has materials and goods for sale, but it’s a phrase I often use with my marketing consulting clients. Creating an asset list serves the same purpose in branding, marketing, and communications as it does in any other business.

An inventory gives you a bird’s eye view of what you have so that you can eliminate waste and maximize efficiencies. That is why an marketing asset list should always be part of your business development plan. If you took the time to review your asset list, you might realize that you are doing better than you think. (For property managers that are in budget season, reviewing the good, the bad, and the ugly will help you with manage the numbers.)

What can you do once you take inventory?

  • complete a performance audit
  • eliminate overlap and duplication
  • reuse and repurpose your material
  • create consistency in your brand
  • establish processes


It’s not hard to get started. I suggest that you start with your accounting reports. This will not just inform you on what you have, but will also help you with timing and budgets.

What should your marketing asset list include?

  • Vendors and their contact information
  • Purpose of product or services
  • The amount you are spending and how long you are committed
  • Frequency of use

Now that you have an inventory, have you noticed anything that has been underutilized or needs to be updated? Would you benefit from creating an overall-marketing strategy?